Embark on a heartwarming journey with Paul and Sharron, a tale passed down through generations, from children to grandchildren. It all began with "poppy" on his trusty push bike, riding through town quoting 'Mrs Blogs' repairs and custom orders.

In the early days, their shop found its humble home on Tamworth Street, where the story of their family and business intertwined. It was there that they welcomed their first child, living above the small space where cherished furniture pieces found new life.

As their family grew, so did their dreams and ambitions. The business flourished, moving to Hawthorn Street, before finally settling into its beloved home on Fitzroy Street. With each move, their passion for restoring furniture and serving the local community only grew stronger.

Though Paul may no longer pedal his bike around town, the essence of that personal touch and warm local interaction remains at the core of their family business. Today, their shop has become a destination for discovering unique and heartfelt gifts and a place where treasured items are transformed, becoming new once more.

Join Paul and Sharron on this timeless journey, where the spirit of tradition meets innovation, and where old memories blend with the creation of new ones. At their Fitzroy Street address, you'll find more than just a store; you'll discover a family legacy of craftsmanship and care. Whether you seek a special gift or have a beloved piece longing for revival, their door is always open, welcoming you to share in the beauty of making something old, new again.